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New Beginnings 2013

                            Welcome to La Spirit Radio!

     After eight years in radio I've decided to change the name of my radio show " The LW Experience Sunday Classics" which started in the summer of 2005.  About six months ago "La Spirit Radio" was created.  

    Today everything is moving and changing at such a rapid pace.  No one has the time to really TAKE  TIME and listen to each other let alone listen to music like we use to.  Remember when listening to the radio was a highlight of the day?  Alot of people don't even listen to their local radio stations anymore, they listen to their ipods, or a station  online like XM/Sirius.   Back in 2010 things were changing at the radio station, due to budget constraints they let go of the paid music director who was also working as the radio station manager.  Some other behind the scene events happened that just put a damper on the station.  I was about to leave completely but decided to create an online show.  That's when "Another Newlife Radio" was created. 
    I don't move as quick as the world is moving right now and I don't really mind.   As far as music is concerned I'd rather stay at the pace that I grew up on.  Listening to one artist at a time and really getting into that artist.  I'm not about the watered down sound and I'm not about cruising the internet looking for new music, a chore that the new generation does well. I'm not hating at all!! it's just not for me.  That's where my interns come in, lol.  Changing the name to La Spirit Radio was heaven scent because of the way I feel about the changing music industry and radio world.  La Spirit Radio, "whatever is in my spirit is what I play"


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